We live and love travel

Maximize your travel experience with our travel concierge services

Hotel Booking

Personalised service for the discerning travelers!

Busy travelling? Take advantage of our hotel accommodation services to get the best access to luxury hotels in London for your stay anytime, anywhere. KTS offers travelers an extensive selection of exclusive luxury hotels, activities and travel services to meet every expectation of every kind at competitive rates.

Our travel experts select the best luxury hotel properties for you, ensuring they offer an ideal location, design and range of services. We are committed to help you make your vacations memorable &make sure you have an unforgettable experience in London.

Whether you travel on business or pleasure we help you find the perfect place to have a relaxing stay. We have a wide network of various luxury hotels in London, resorts and guest houses, with amazing relaxing views of the English country side.

We can even make travel arrangements like special sightseeing tours and restaurant arrangements to theatre tickets, river cruises and chauffeured transportation. Our Service Managers have all the necessary contacts and networks worldwide & are always more than happy to do them for you. Special suites can also be made available for our discerning guests who admire refinement and personalized services.